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Heronswood Primary School and Pre-School
Our class teacher is Miss Manning and our teaching assistants are Miss Smith and Mrs Styles. In addition, Mrs Crockett teaches us on a Wednesday and Thursday morning.
In Reception the rules and expectations are built around the core values of our school.
We have also created our own class promises showing behaviour expectations and how to create a happy classroom.
PE and kit information
Our PE day is on a Wednesday. Please can the children come to school in their PE kits on Wednesday. Your child will already be in PE/ forest school clothes so will not need to bring anything else in.
The PE kit is as follows:
Navy shorts, white polo shirt, white socks, navy joggers, navy jumper and trainers.
Welly Wednesday
Every Wednesday the children will be going to Forest School in the morning. Children will already be in their PE kit, however, they must have full-length leggings/ trousers for Forest School. It can be muddy and wet so children must have waterproofs and wellies in school.
Children's reading books will be changed each Tuesday. As the children begin to blend sounds learned in phonics, we will send out one reading scheme book a week as well as a child chosen library book. Please share these books throughout the week to allow children to familiarise themselves with newly learnt sounds and high-frequency words.
Every time we learn a new sound or tricky word in phonics your child will have a flashcard sent home in their ‘Phonics Pouch’. Please continue to practise their sounds & tricky words daily to continue to develop your child’s blending skills and recognition of sounds.
Each Friday Phonics will be shared via Seesaw. This will support you and your child with the sounds & tricky words we have focused on in Phonics. Please take time over the weekend and following week to practise the sounds, letter formation and words.
Unlocking learning & supporting at home
All children will have a Bug Club login and this resource can be used at home to encourage more reading. These websites could also be used at home to support learning.
Weekly Note
Each week we also send home a note (via Seesaw) giving talking points for the learning that has happened in school that week. These can be in many different areas of the curriculum and help to promote talk around their learning.
Supporting at home