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Heronswood Primary School and Pre-School
At Heronswood, we understand the importance of ensuring that there are good lines of communication between school and home. Communication is quick and effective; keeping everybody up to date with all the exciting things that are going on in school.
Home School Diaries
Across the whole school, from Reception up to Year 6 we provide children with home school diaries. These diaries are an excellent way for teachers and parents to communicate to each other on a daily basis in an informal way. We expect the diaries to be brought into school each day and taken home again each night. This is an invaluable way for teachers to pass on information and for parents to pass notes back to teachers. In addition, the home school diaries are also used to record the number of times each week a child has read at home. We expect parents and carers to record when their child has read to them at home and ideally this would be a minimum of 10 minutes each day depending on the age of the child.
As a school, we value communication with parents and carers.
MarvellousMe is a vital tool that school use daily to keep you informed of:
School Newsletters
Once a fortnight, school newsletters are sent home to parents and carers to inform them of updates in school and of forthcoming events. Our diary dates section is always kept up to date so that parents and carers can plan ahead for upcoming events. Our school is constantly changing and evolving and we do feel that it is important that we share the latest initiatives that we are using in school with you, at home. We also use newsletters to celebrate children's achievements and attendance. Remember we are aiming for a minimum of 97% attendance.
School E-Mails
Parents and carers are able to email the school office for more information or to pass on messages to school -
Office email -
In addition, Parents and carers can also email their child's year group directly. Please note that these emails are not monitored during teaching time as the teachers are busy teaching the children. The teachers will get back to you as soon as they can. To email year group teachers please use the following email addresses:
Pre-School -
Reception -
Year 1 -
Year 2 -
Year 3 -
Year 4 -
Year 5 -
Year 6 -
New Starters -
Please make sure you update the School Office on a regular basis with any changes to your address, phone numbers or email address. Thank you.