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Heronswood Primary School and Pre-School

Year 4 DB

Welcome to Year 4 DB


Our class teacher is Mrs Botfield and our teaching assistant is Mrs Ficken.  In addition, Mrs Thompson teaches us on a Monday afternoon. 


In our class, the rules and expectations are built around the core values of our school. 

English Information 

Reading is crucial in everything that children do. We aim to nurture a love of reading and encourage children to read a wide range of texts. We monitor children’s reading at home through the Home School Diaries. It is a whole school expectation that children read five times per week.  

The children will have opportunities for quiet reading throughout the day and are able to choose books either from home or our well-stocked book corner. They are encouraged to choose a variety of books throughout the year to develop their reading skills, these might range from short fiction to longer novels or non-fiction texts. 


Maths Information 

The principal focus of mathematics teaching in Year 4 is to ensure that children become increasingly fluent with whole numbers, fractions and the four operations, including number facts and the concept of place value. This should ensure that children develop efficient written and mental methods and perform calculations accurately. Children should also develop their ability to solve a range of problems and develop mathematical reasoning. By the end of Year 4, pupils should have mastered all times tables up to 12x12 and will take part in a Multiplication Check to test these mental facts. 

Discrete Maths lessons are taught on a daily basis although Maths is linked to subjects such as Science and History where possible. Children are encouraged to use and apply their Maths skills through real life situations. 

Quick Maths is taught every morning and the children will complete this as soon as they come into school. This session builds fluency and enables the children to practise and recall facts from prior learning in Maths.  


PE and Kit Information 

Our P.E. day is a Wednesday and children should come to school wearing their kit on this day. 

It is really important that children wear suitable P.E. kit to school on our P.E. day so that they can participate fully in the activities. 

The PE kit is as follows: 

Navy shorts, white polo shirt, white socks, navy joggers, navy jumper and trainers.  (Please note: sun hats will be needed during the summer) 

All items of the PE kit should be clearly labelled and kept in a PE bag with the child’s name on the outside. 



Each week there will be a piece of Maths homework set on Seesaw. In addition to this the children will also bring home one of their English CGP books with a reading comprehension to complete. The children will also need to learn all of their times tables by heart to use in their Maths work this year, therefore going onto Times Table Rockstars for 5 minutes per evening will support their rapid recall of these facts. Reading remains a priority and we expect the children to read at least 5 times a week with an adult.  It is really important that with all homework the children are encouraged to complete it independently but then supported when necessary. 


Unlocking Learning 

All children have an Active Learn, Education City, Times Table Rockstars and Spelling Shed logins and these resources can be used at home to encourage further learning.  Please support your child in using the following websites.