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Heronswood Primary School and Pre-School

Wrap Around Care

Wrap Around Care at Heronswood

At Heronswood Primary School, we offer wrap around childcare for children aged between 2 & 11 years in a designated room with access to the school playground and field.  We offer Before School Club, After School Club and Holiday Club throughout the year. 


Booking my child a place at Before School Club and After School Club: 

All bookings for Before School Club and After School Club should be made every half term on the online booking form which will be sent out to you via the Marvellous Me app.  Please complete one form per child.  Bookings will be closed shortly after the start of each half term.

Click here for Booking Form


Any changes will need to be emailed through to the school office with as much notice as possible so staffing can be arranged for the following week.


Emergency sessions can be added once the register closes, by emailing the school office. We would then check if a space is available for any additional sessions and let you know.  Any changes must be made before 1pm on the day.


Once you have booked through the online form, you will need to pay for all the sessions in advance on Parent Pay.

Option 1 – 7:30am-8:30am - £5:00

Option 2 – 3:00pm-4:00pm - £5.50

Option 3 – 3:00pm-5:00pm - £7.50

Option 4 – 3:00pm-5:30pm - £8.50

Option 5 – 3:00pm-6:00pm - £10.50

(Please note that on a Friday we close at 5:30pm.  Please also note that there is no wrap on the last day of each term.)


You may collect your child earlier in the session or drop off later but the session will be charged at the booked rate.  Before School and After School Club are based in the white classroom, at the top of the playground.  Please access through the staff carpark. If you would like your child to have a snack, please provide this yourself. 


Holiday Club:

Holiday Club runs during every school holiday, except for the Christmas break and Bank holidays.  On a daily basis, the club runs from 8:00am until 5:00pm.  Each day, a range of activities are provided to ensure all our children have lots of fun.  Whether you are a working parent/carer or would like some peace and quiet, get in touch and sign up for our holiday club.


Click here for Booking Form


We offer 10% discount for sibling groups.


Option 1 - 8:00-5:00pm = £35 (£40 for 2 year olds)

Option 2 - 8:00-4:00pm = £30 (£35 for 2 year olds)


During term time, please contact the school office with any queries - or call 01562 69750. Extra bookings and alterations cannot be made once the school is closed.


An example week at Holiday Club:


If you need to contact Before School Club or After School Club before 9 a.m. and after 4 p.m, please telephone 07762 169296. This number will also be in use during Holiday Club.