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Heronswood Primary School and Pre-School
At Heronswood, we strive to make the time our children spend at school as fun, exciting, engaging and as memorable as possible. We recognise that children learn best when they have an emotional connection to the activities they are participating in. We do this through a stimulating, vibrant curriculum but also by bringing in outside people and by taking the children out on trips and visits.
Click on any of the News Posts below to find out what exciting things our children have been up to.
Children from Heronswood visited Herons Park Nursing Home today in celebration of Grandparents Day! Thank you to everyone who made a card, poster or flower to share with the residents. They were gladly received by the home.
Our Year 6 children have had an amazing final day on their residential trip. The weather has been great which has really helped. They are all very tired so early nights will be needed all around.
As readers, the children in Pre-School have been enjoying reading the story "Rosie's walk", exploring the story through a variety of learning opportunities.
In Topic this week Reception have been learning all about our families, our family trees and how our families are bound together. We read the story Stickman by Julia Donaldson and then had a go creating our own family stick bundles out of lollipop sticks, we created family trees out of green paper leaves and drew pictures of our families that our teachers labelled.
Our Year 6 children have had a very busy day at their residential. Climbing, archery, zip wire and bush craft skills. The children are having a fabulous time trying lots of brand new things.
Our Year 6 children are all settled in for their residential trip and have enjoyed different activities this afternoon and evening. It's so good to see them challenging themselves and trying new things. Well done Y6 and staff.
As Digital Creators, Year 2 have been improving their algorithms by creating loops for parts of code that are repeated. They used the app "LightBot" to apply their knowledge!
As Mathematicians, Year 1 are learning to read and write numerals in words. Please check Marvellous Me for a link to an Education City game to continue learning at home.
What an amazing Art Club today! We learnt to draw robins using our sketching techniques - Year 3 and 4 have amazing skills! #weareartists
As readers, Year 3 have been reading non-fiction texts and learning about foxes using our VIPERS skills.