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Heronswood Primary School and Pre-School
At Heronswood, we strive to make the time our children spend at school as fun, exciting, engaging and as memorable as possible. We recognise that children learn best when they have an emotional connection to the activities they are participating in. We do this through a stimulating, vibrant curriculum but also by bringing in outside people and by taking the children out on trips and visits.
Click on any of the News Posts below to find out what exciting things our children have been up to.
As musicians, 3HM performed their clarinet concert to their adults on Thursday...we were so proud to see how much they have learnt over 10 weeks! Thank you to all the adults who were able to come into school to be our audience, we really appreciate all the lovely comments and to Mr Hill from Severn Arts for his fantastic teaching #severnarts #youngmusicians
As Artists, Year 2 have experimented with creating paint washes to add onto their Arcimboldo inspired artwork. Their masterpieces are looking very effective! We will update you with their final pieces soon!
In reception this week we have sent Leo the Lion and Benny the Bear on their summer holidays. Each class picked their destination, Australia and Blackpool, packed their bags and even wrote postcards advising the holiday makers on which activities they could enjoy at their destinations.
As Writers, Year 4 have been writing poems using similes. We were inspired by things that make us feel happy. There were so many wonderful poems, but this one particularly brought a smile to my face.
As athletes, the children in Pre-School loved their time on the field, developing their gross motor skills with balls and hoops, and really enjoyed re-creating our Sports Day races! When the children weren’t racing they cheered on their friends demonstrating lovely sportsmanship!
Year 6 have been exploring how to dismantle and reassemble laptops in computing! They would like to thank Mr Campbell for sharing his expertise. #digitalcreators
As Designers, Year 5 have enjoyed creating wooden structures as part of their flood defences project. There was some great measuring, sawing and gluing.
Year 1 had a brilliant time at Bodenham Arboretum yesterday. As Scientists, we explored animals and their habitats. We ate toast around the firepit, did face painting and drawings of animals with natural materials and found all sorts of creatures including frogs. They were an absolute credit to our school and we are so proud of them all!
Maths in Reception
This week in Maths Reception have been investigating odds and evens. We reminded ourselves of the concept of a 'pair' being a group of 2, as we needed this concept to sort values.
We used partners, numicon and Numberblocks as well as other resources to explore number values to 10 & beyond.
"The odd ones have a sticky up bit"
"They can't all be in pairs because there's one on his own."
"We can put them in pairs that's 2s."
Some of the children then did some problem solving using tems frames, counters and larger values.
Year 3 have been exploring volume and capacity. We have measured, compared, added and subtracted mililitres and litres